Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh What a Day It Will Be

I wrote this poem for an assignment in literature class--we were told to write a poem in imitation of one of the poets we've learned about. I chose Emily Dickinson--this poem is styled after her poem 271. (The fact that I'm imitating another poet's style explains all the dashes or other stylistic things you may be curious about :)


No words—how to describe that day—
In His presence to be—
To stand before my very God—
Oh what a sight to see—

A hollowed thing—to Be before
The one my shape who formed—
Created all the earth—beyond—
With Majesty adorned—

I picture when my day does come—
And would I feel so small—
To cow'r in awe—or dance with praise—
Just can't see through—the wall—

And then—whate'r that day does hold
What I will feel—to see—
That which we none can know for sure—
But oh—with Him—to be!



Joanna said...

Wow Allie, this is amazing. Thank you for stepping out in faith to write about the Lord in a secular context. Great job:)

Monica T. said...

I really like this! It sounds professional and it's really great! :D

Susannah said...

Allie, that's beautiful.

Dave said...

Well done Allie! Way to evangelize! :) God will bless you for it!