Saturday, October 11, 2008

Aliens Among Us...

And you thought aliens didn't exist. Ha. Shows how much you know. I happen to have proof. It was sitting on my front walkway this morning in the shape of this saddleback caterpiller (the name of which, surprisingly, I found pretty easily online). Don't try to tell me that's not extra-terrestrial.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh What a Day It Will Be

I wrote this poem for an assignment in literature class--we were told to write a poem in imitation of one of the poets we've learned about. I chose Emily Dickinson--this poem is styled after her poem 271. (The fact that I'm imitating another poet's style explains all the dashes or other stylistic things you may be curious about :)


No words—how to describe that day—
In His presence to be—
To stand before my very God—
Oh what a sight to see—

A hollowed thing—to Be before
The one my shape who formed—
Created all the earth—beyond—
With Majesty adorned—

I picture when my day does come—
And would I feel so small—
To cow'r in awe—or dance with praise—
Just can't see through—the wall—

And then—whate'r that day does hold
What I will feel—to see—
That which we none can know for sure—
But oh—with Him—to be!


Saturday, October 4, 2008


So the other day, my friend Liz was over at my house, and we wanted to go out and do something. "Hey," she said, "it's a beautiful day; why don't we go do our own little photoshoot?" Well I thought it sounded like a swell idea, so off we tramped to the meadow near my house... and boy did we make some memories :)
(thanks to the tripod, for letting both of us be in all these pictures)

Me: "ok, Liz, pretend you're telling me a secret"

(We would take turns calling out cues after I'd pushed the self-timer button on the camera :)

Liz: "My turn! Look like you're really scared of something over there."

Is she beautiful, or is she beautiful?

Well, when we were done in the meadow, we went across the street to climb on this fence. Unfortunately, the fence wasn't climbable, but the lighting was breathtaking!

Liz: "Ok, Charlie's Angels!"

I love this one. She didn't know I was taking the picture, so it looks like she's just absorbed in her thoughts.

shadows of a model

Friday, October 3, 2008

Found It!

So here's the quote by C.S. Lewis about christianity that I was referring to in my earlier post:

"If christianity was something we were making up, of course we could make it easier. But it is not. We cannot compete, in simplicity, with people who are inventing religions. How could we? We are dealing with Fact. Of course anyone can be simple, if he has no facts to bother about."

So, if you're ever exasperated by how complex christianity seems, be encouraged :) The very fact that it can be so hard to comprehend is actually an encouragement that it could not have been created by human minds!

The quote is from Lewis's book Mere Christianity, which I would totally recommend. Although the doctrine occasionally deviates a little from Covenant Life's, his insights into the basics of Christianity will blow your mind and strengthen your faith.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


So one of my friends sent me this great little quote by email, and I just have to share it with you all:
If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, then we would be so simple that we couldn’t.
--Emerson M. Pugh
Which reminds me of a quote about Christianity by C.S. Lewis...but I don't have time to look it up. So that'll be a later post :)
Thanks for sharing that Joanna!
